I love the weaving program called Weave Design from Pikes Peak Weavers Guild! It is simply amazing to sit and design weaves on the computer. I love being able to eaily plan projects, or tweak small things in a project to see how it reacts before I put it on the loom. I have designed some twills on the computer before weaving them on my loom. It's a good way to allow your imagination soar without using up all your yarn supplies!
I designed this overshot sampler with the name drafting rules in mind. It was one of my first name drafting designs I've created. I made it around Valentine's Day and it says "I love you." I haven't gotten around to weaving it yet, but I plan to soon! It's on my list of things to do... I like how it has almost a grid look to it from afar. Also, if I can find this shade of pink yarn in my collection, I think it would look really cute!