Thank you Tuesday Weavers!! I love it all, and so will the baby!!!!
We are feeling more and more ready for the baby, who should be making an appearance in the next month or so. We are very excited!! I should also mention that I am super excited to get my body back after the baby comes! I haven't said much yet about my weird pregnancy symptom because I got my blog so far ahead with pre-scheduled posts that I could hide it for awhile, but since January I haven't been able to feel my right hand very well. In fact, touching fabrics, yarns, and textiles with my right hand is unpleasant! Even typing is hard to do. The dr says it should go away once the baby comes, but it makes all jobs harder to do. In fact, I haven't woven or sewn very much since January, but like I said I got the blog so far ahead that I could cover it up until now... because I am finally out of posts! Without much weaving or sewing, I have actually been filling my time since January studying electronics and computer programming. Ever since I discovered RGB LEDs (which are red, green, and blue lights) I have had this nightlight in mind for the baby. I finally figured out how to make it using my own computer chip and circuits. Here are the insides:
It's all based on the open-source prototype called Arduino, but to make a full circuit using an Arduino board and shields would be a lot of money... like $60. This circuit that uses just the computer chip is about $15 in electronic parts... plus the challenge and fun of figuring out how to use things like voltage regulators, capacitors, 16 mhz crystals, voltage meters... all without burning the house down or electrocuting something or someone!
Here is a picture of the light in use:
The left picture is the back of the nightlight. There is a silver knob that can control the speed of the color changing. It can change 512 colors within a second, which is the fastest, to something really slow an relaxing that takes 13 minutes to cycle through all the colors. My dad and I made a housing for it using sanded plexiglass. And I love it!! In fact, I have been running it every evening since I made it!
It really was intended for the baby... but I may have to "store" it in the living room so we can all enjoy it for awhile!