I can't believe January is almost over, and I never even shared my Christmas towels I made for family! "Where is 2016 going?" I'm already asking myself!
Here are the Christmas towels that I promised to show you so long ago! These were so much fun to make and didn't take as much thought to do as you would fear!
I didn't follow any particular pattern. When I sat down to thread
my loom, I did more of a profile draft style threading but I didn't write
it down first I just do it from my head. Same thing for treadling- I didn't have that written down first I just followed a profile-like
draft from my head. So it was all somewhat of a surprise to me as I went!
The towels I made were from 12/2 cotton. I warped 6 yards, and the epi was 24. Made 8 towels total.
Just a little reminder... When threading for summer and winter….
block 1 = 1 3 2 3
block 2 = 1 4 2 4
block 3 = 1 5 2 5
block 4 = 1 6 2 6
block 5 = 1 7 2 7
block 6 = 1 8 2 8