Plaid Blanket
- 12/2 cotton (100%) in colors prim pier (blue), pumpkin (rust), alligator (green), and buttercup (yellow)
- Each plaid repeat: 12 blue, 8 yellow, 8 green, 1 rust = 29 threads
- 2/2 twill weave
- 2 panels @ 25" weaving width
- #15 reed @ 2 threads per dent = 30 epi
- 30 epi x 25" weaving width / 29 threads = about 26 repeats total
- 25" weaving width x 30 epi = 754 threads total
- To warp:
- 12x26=312 blue
- 8x26=208 green and yellow
- 1x26=26 rust
- One end has 12 blues & the other end has 8 blues so there is room to sew them together and still keep the squareness about them.