Thursday, October 6, 2011

That's what happens when you're self taught!

When I got my stuff back from the fair, I received some great comments from the judge.  For example: "Excellent job!  Great selvedges!  Nicely presented!  Composition good!  Color works well for design!" and other encouraging things like that.  But I also got a lot of this, "Hemstitching on wrong side."  And this, "Slant on hem should be on back."

Whoops!!  I suddenly felt really embarrassed!  All this time I thought that side looked better so it was the top side!  How wrong, but I can't help to chuckle at my mistake!  I was so embarrassed that I spent a few days thinking about if I should say something on here, but then I figured that maybe someone else has made this mistake, too.  I wish I would have known, but I do know how to fix it for the future!

Here are some great tutorials:

Just for fun...

Here's an inspiring and exciting file photo from 2007 when I dyed a bunch of wool with kool-aide!  I think I want to try that again!  It was so much fun!

Onward and upward!  
Keep those shuttles and wheels moving!