I always think of my beginnings for floor looms as happening at the end of April. Two years ago, I was going to buy a floor loom and then the very next day my husband lost his really great job. It was a product of the times that were happening and a foreshadow of more hard times ahead. Then, after an agonizing wait, I finally got my first 4-shaft floor loom on the 4th of July in 2010, however, I quickly wanted an 8-shaft loom! I think it frustrated my husband just a little bit because the timing was so wrong, especially since he had a few more job losses/changes in that same year. But I finally got my 8-shaft loom at the end of April 2011 and it was a huge lifesaver for me. My looms have been huge lifesavers in general! They gave me hope in hopeless times. They distracted me from the world that was quickly crumbling around me. I will forever be grateful for my looms, the people who helped me get them or sold them to me, and for my husband for being so supportive of my needs!
My very first floor loom picture EVER:
My two looms meeting for the very first time:
Two years later, I feel like things are going so much better for us! We are in a very good place. But I still like to reminisce about these harder times and I'm not sure why... maybe it's because I feel like I've grown so much from them and appreciate the simple things more. But in celebration of the past, I wanted to do a project that reminded me of my first projects. I used to do a lot of dishtowels when I started on my floor loom, so I am going to do another set as a celebration! So, here are my celebration towels, the draft is from
handweaving . net!

I feel like this draft shows a lot of lines like the paths that Brian and I have taken in our time together. Ironically, it's a 6-shaft pattern and we've been married for 6 years! But you can also see circles, and I feel like we have come full circle in a way because Brian has gone back to his roots for work, so to speak. When we first met in 2004, Brian was flying airplanes and amazingly, after all we've been through, he is back to flying airplanes! Also in this draft I notice that the lines flow back into the centers of the circles. Symbolically, this draft is perfect for my celebration towels. I can't wait to get started!