Here are the errors pointed out.
Here is a section of "good" cloth. Notice how much easier it is to see the pattern! That one error made quite a difference...
Here is the original draft, in case you missed it!
I'm glad I caught this before I went on and wove them all!!
In yard news...
We have 6 bags of yard debris going out tomorrow!
The peach tree has been cut mostly down. It's in far back in the center. The rose bush on the left was tamed down. Now we have two really big piles of debris to slowly dispose of! The city is doing a dump day next week so perhaps we can get rid of it then. I need to take care of the bushes in the very back, too. They are soooo bushy!
I'm really sad we lost our peach tree. It gave us half a tree of peaches our first fall here, but then no more. They were the best peaches I've ever tasted! The bugs pretty much bled the tree of all its sap.
RIP peach tree! We will definitely be replanting as soon as we debug the ground.
This tree went really quickly. It all happened in a matter of less than 6 months!
At least we have somewhat revived the peach tree in the back yard. It's only half a tree, but it does have little tiny peaches on it!!! Hang in there half tree!!!