I've been racking my brain for a Christmas present for a severely-animal-allergic nephew, and I have decided that cotton is in. All I have is thin weaving cotton on hand, so... I knitted up this cotton hat from 3 colors of weaving yarn, and next I want to make a scarf that combines all three colors also. I think he'll like it! And better yet, they live in cold country now, so it will be useful AND animal free, except for the occasional cat hair that clings to it... poor kid.
I also have to make a matching set for his non-animal-allergic-animal-loving little brother.
I am using 3 strands of 12/2 cotton, and since the cotton usually has an epi of 30 with one strand, I am predicting an epi of 10 for 3 strands mixed together. I know that all the books say to put only 1 thread in each heddle, however, I want the same mixed up look as the hat. So I'm going to be a bit rebellious and put all 3 strands in 1 heddle! I'll let you know how my rebellion works out...