I think I'm somewhat of an "ADHD" weaver... Not that there's anything wrong with that! I mean, I think I have major attention deficit sometimes (mixed with a bit of hyper-activity)! I can be so distracted from the original project. Like these ornament, for example, started out as ornaments and then I quickly saw how cute they were and made them into dishtowels! I made all kinds of combinations, and before I knew it, I had very quickly run out of warp!

So then I re-warped for my ornaments... and wove them... and when they came off the loom, what did I do with them? Go, take a wild guess!!
I add batting and a backing, then when I start sewing stitches between the ornaments to cut them apart, and I see what a cute quilt it is!

It is pretty cute, and I knew I had some extra trees anyway... so I figure, what the heck?! And I turned it into a cute little cheerful holiday quilt!
Then I wonder what it would look like with a few strips of fabric between the trees...
And that's where the second small holiday quilt came from!
Seriously... this would be a cute idea for log cabins!
The finishing of this one was slightly delayed because I ran out of fabric for binding and had to ask my mom for a small piece. I went with muslin, and I think it looks really good!
I cut...
...and cut...
...and petted the cat a little bit...
(By the way, like his new winter buzz? I buzzed his hair because it was dirty and matted all the time. He doesn't go outside anyway...)
...and surged...
...and surged...
...for miles and miles...
...for miles and miles...
... and then tied little strings on...
And now all I have to do is figure out the card part!
I love them, and I think my friends and relatives will, too!