I wove right to the end of this warp! For an 8 yard warp, I got 8.5 towels! I repeated 2 of my favorite designs at the end, the pinwheel and herringbone patterns.
I love the way all the towels look after they've been woven and they're waiting on the front beam! They roll up pretty thick.
And of course it's always fun to see how far across the house they stretch. This warp goes the length of the living room! And it gets the cats' attention. Shoo!!! Shoo!!! Keep those claws retracted!
Here's the final project all washed, pressed, and cut apart... they are so pretty! I love them! This will be a hard set to separate and give away or sell. (I think I say that all the time about each set I weave...)
Free patterns for these towels:
Towels 1-4, 7-8
Towel 5
Towel 6
And this is the pattern for the very end half towel, #8.5:

For part of this pattern I used a white weft, which also turned out nice, but I think I like it best with the different colors of weft.