My hubby and I had a fun evening last night watching the balloon glow festivities! We took a night bike ride over to the event and everyone thought we were workers! Riding a bike is just not a common thing to do around here, so when people see it, they wonder why you're doing it! We did fool a few people. I started yesterday morning with a bike ride down a street that had a "road closed" sign on it... Silly me, I figured it didn't count for me since I was on a bike. Little did I know it was the start of a parade! Yikes... lets just say there were a lot of eyes watching me and people thought I was working that event, too! I guess I was the parade pre-show! Anyway, yesterday was a great day filled with great events, and it was fun to be really out on the town!
I'm so glad that Linda's projects all turned out so well. It's now waiting to be packed up and head off to the post office! The little armadillo will have a new home!

So here is my stash reduction, day 2. I was able to work on spinning up the rest of the bag of yarn I started in December... I think it was December! I have more yarn from this somewhere, but I spun that as 3-ply. I also gave some to my mom and this stuff down here is 2-ply. The bags of batt have so much in them that they will each produce quite a bit of yarn. I am excited to possibly use this as a shawl or woven blanket for the winter. I know the cats will be all over it, and I do want to make it so it can withstand use from them, too. So, I'm thinking something with very small floats, like a 2/2 twill or even hopsack weave. I love hopsack! I am thinking it would be beautiful to make a plaid design just out of natural colors.

Remember my alpaca from Texas? I'm still working on it! Here are a few skeins from the last time I was spinning this yarn. I still have half a bag of alpaca to card and spin through. This will be my next spinning stash reduction activity!
As far as weaving projects go, I'm still waiting to hear back about the bookmarks, which is ok because the other 1900 isn't needed until December... not that I want to procrastinate that one. But I'm going to leave that to simmer on the back burner for awhile while I have a few other summer projects going on right now, like some sewing stuff and a few private sewing lessons for teenagers around town. We have been making a few quilts and clothing! It's been fun.
Another project I have up my sleeve right now is something for Brian's aunt Katie who lives in Seattle. She wants some nice napkins to use at the dinner table, because the ones she has now are very old and just falling to pieces! So, I sent her some samples and some colors a few weeks ago and she replied by email what she liked and didn't like, so now I have some direction. She wants me to stick mainly to purples, although I can put in a few more colors as I see fit as long as it's not orange! Also, she really liked the feel of the P2P2 sample I sent, it was a 2/2 twill. It's so soft! She likes the feel but doesn't want something so structured. She also liked the basket weave sample I sent and the lace weave sample I sent. So, I know that leaves some huge doors open, but I think I can narrow it down to something she will like! I always get a little nervous before a big project like this for someone else, because I don't want to disappoint them!