It ended up being a really cool rug, even though it's made out of stash-busted materials! I really like the pattern. It reminds me of an Indian rug that my grandma purchased on the Navajo Indian Reservation in the 1950's or 60's. The rug I'm thinking of is in black and white, and it's a lot thinner than this rug. But my stash-busted rug is so nice and squishy!! AND... it only used 4 balls of yarn. I can make a lot of rugs!
The only problem is that the rug is REALLY slick on the tile floor, so I'm going to get some non-slip mat to go under it.
This rug is for Brian because he doesn't like the cold tile on his feet when he first gets out of bed in the morning. But I don't want the rug to slip out from under him!