Thursday, September 13, 2012


They're done!

 These pinwheels look especially pretty with this special hand-spun yarn!

These scarves just weave up in a breeze compared to the bookmark project!!

 And now, off to Ohio... be loved in the cold, bitter, frosty winter!!

My friend in Ohio was kind enough to share some of her hand-spun collection with me!

I am such a LUCKY weaver!!!!!

I don't mean to brag, and I hate when people brag around me, but I guess I just can't help my excitement!!!  Look what I have waiting for me:

I can't even decide which one to use first!!!  They are ALL calling to me, "Amanda!"
"Over here, Amanda!"
"Choose me!!!"
"Pick me!!!"
"I want to be next!!"
"Put ME on your loom!!!"